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[美國直購] Braun Silk-?pil FG1100 除毛刀比基尼造型刀 Bikini Hair Removal Electric Shaver



About the Product

Ultra precision: for detailed styling in the bikini zone use the high precision head.^Shape your bikini zone: the slim bikini shaping head is designed for shaving precise lines, shapes or contours.^Smooth bikini zone: 2 trimming combs (5mm and 8mm) are ideal for trimming hairs to a uniform length.^Eyebrow shaping: use the high precision head also for styling your eyebrows.

Product Description

Product Description

Experience creative precision

The Braun Silk-?pil bikini styler. It has a precision head, allowing you to achieve accurate shapes, fast and easy. What's more, it removes and trims any unwanted hair from the eyebrows, bikini line and face. So now you can get creative, even in the most sensitive areas - without irritation. The possibilities are only limited by your imagination.

roduct Overview


Braun Silk-?pil? FG 1100 Bikini Styler

Simply put, the Braun Silk-epil FG 1100 Bikini Styler is the only hair-removal tool that offers true shaving precision in the bikini zone. Its high-precision head allows for easy, detailed styling, helping you further express your creativity and personality. Versatile and capable, this must-have styling companion comes packaged with ten beauty templates for shaping, two trimming combs, and two trimming heads to help you achieve your best look.

Product換季 Highlights

High-Precision Head High-precision head

The precision cutting head safely removes hairs frTOPom the eyebrows, face, and other sensitive areas. What’s more, you can use it to create shapes and designs when used with the included templates.

Braun Silk-epil FG 1100 Bikini Styler

Slim bikini-shaping head Slim bikini-shaping head

The T-shaped bikini-zone cutting head lets you trim the bikini area without irritation.

Two bikini-zone trimming combs Two bikini-zone trimming combs

The two bikini-zone trimming combs (5 mm and 8 mm) fit the bikini-zone cutting head and trim hairs to a uniform length for a smooth bikini line.

The World of Braun

Since its inception in 1921, Braun has challenged the very conventions that define design. State-of-the-art technological innovations are wrapped in pure artistry, honoring both the passion and precision of the ultimate shaving experience. Our unique goal is to create those select products that make a difference in people's lives. Products that engage and excite, creating a 'Braun moment' in their own unique way. For men, that effort begins by creating shavers and trimmers that enhance their best look. For women, we strive to engineer epilators and hair care products that pair performance and comfort. This is how Braun goes beyond design to become something more.

Product Details

Product Warranty: For warranty information about this product, please click here. [PDF]

Product Dimensions: 1.8 x 2.8 x 6.8 inches

Shipping Weight: 3.2 ounces


UPC: 069055862179 732233414858

Item model number: FG 1100

mportant Information

Safety Warning

The appliance is not intended for use by children or persons with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities, unless they are supervised by a person responsible for their safety. Keep the appliance out of reach of children to ensure that they do not play with it. Do not use the appliance on irritated or inflamed skin. For hygienic reasons, do not share this appliance with other persons. This appliance must never be used near water (e.g. a filled wash basin, bathtub or shower). Keep the appliance out of the reach of children. When switched on, the appliance must never come in contact with the hair on your head, eyelashes, ribbons, etc. to prevent any danger of injury as well as to prevent blockage or damage to the appliance.


Remove the protective cap. Slide the on/off switch up to turn非逛不可 the appliance on. Place the cutting head near the hair to be removed and guide it slowly against the direction of hair growth. For optimum results, pull the skin taunt with one hand while using. Turn the appliance off before changing the cutting heads.




[美國直購] Braun Silk-?pil FG1100 除毛刀比基尼造型刀 Bikini Hair Removal Electric Shaver 年輕人喜愛, [美國直購] Braun Silk-?pil FG1100 除毛刀比基尼造型刀 Bikini Hair Removal Electric Shaver 介紹, [美國直購] Braun Silk-?pil FG1100 除毛刀比基尼造型刀 Bikini Hair Removal Electric Shaver 平價, [美國直購] Braun Silk-?pil FG1100 除毛刀比基尼造型刀 Bikini Hair Removal Electric Shaver 去哪買?


哥倫比亞陣中最受注目的便是投手群中的「左右護法」,白襪王牌左投Jose Quintana以及勇士王牌右投Julio Teheran。Quintana上季在白襪成績為13勝12敗、防禦率3.20,並投出了生涯新高的181次三振,至於Teheran雖然上季成績較為遜色,為7勝10敗、防禦率3.21,但他在2013、14年連續2季都拿下14勝以上的佳績,這兩名先發投手絕對會是哥倫比亞最為倚重的頭號戰力。

過去曾為天使守護神的Ernesto Frieri是哥倫比亞資歷最顯赫的後援投手,不過他本季尚未在大聯盟找到落腳之處,狀況存疑。Horacio Acosta則是哥倫比亞在資格賽時的終結者,近來在獨立聯盟打球,若無意外應會在經典賽時再度肩負起終結者的重責大任。

二壘手Donavan Solano是哥倫比亞陣中大聯盟資歷最深的野手,但他上個球季多半是在洋基3A打球,不過也幫助所屬球隊拿下了3A層級的冠軍。捕手Jorge Alfaro會是令人期待的球員,年僅23歲的他在本季被大聯盟評為全聯盟排名第3的新秀捕手,也入選了百大潛力新秀,是費城人相當看好的年輕捕手。

相較之下外野戰力會成為哥倫比亞一大隱憂,Tito Polo和Efrain Contreras兩人生涯至今最佳只打過1A高階層級,Jesus Valdez則是在墨西哥聯盟打球,面對其餘球隊大聯盟等級的投手恐怕相當不樂觀,且哥倫比亞全隊就只帶了上述3名外野手,倘若不幸發生球員受傷狀況,人手調度上恐捉襟見肘。


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WBC經典賽第二輪八強賽事,美國隊出戰本屆賽事4勝0敗的波多黎各,首局波多黎各有備而來,面對美國隊先發投手Marcus Stroman(史卓曼),一口氣連打6支安打搶下3分,目前以4:0領先美國。


Angel Pagan、Francisco Lindor、Carlos Correa、Carlos Beltran、Yadier Molina連續5支安打灌下3分,Eddie Rosario再敲出高飛犧牲打,目前以4:0領先美國。

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